Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24 wks PREGNANT & 24 wk check up

Baby Hummel really starting to show himself off!!!
Patrick James Hummel....growing tremendously at 24 wks!!!!

Last saturday marked us at 24 wks along! Hard to believe we are on the home stretch! Since my last blog I have felt more awake along with frequent bathroom use!!! Within the last wk I got up at least 3-5 times to use the bathroom. It also doesnt help that I'm extremely thirsty prior to laying down in bed...this gal can't get enough milk :) I havent been sleeping the greatest within the last wk or so....I sleep for an hr or so on my left side & then have to flip over to my right side b/c back hurts alot. My heartburn has gotten worse since my last months check up. I have bought 2 new bottles of tums and at least 1 bottle is gone. I thought Neal had bad heartburn but I guess I was wrong!!!! For Thanksgiving Patrick enjoyed some Turkey Cookies thanks to Gr8 Gma Sies....we had at least a dozen! I can feel him move more & more...still havent felt that kick yet but I know he is moving around! Today I had my 24 wk Check Up with Dr. Rudat. I'm not to keen on my weight gain since last month but I guess I have to gain weight sometime! I'm now at 139.6pds. My test for Diabetes was negative...thank goodness b/c this gal likes sugar! The doctor measured my tummy and it is right at 24 so I'm right where I need to be! Patrick's heartbeat was at 140 beats per still very active! My next check up is on Dec 30th and this will be my last 4 wk between dr visits appt. Then from 30 wks to 36 wks I go in every 2 wks and then from 36 wks on I go in every wk! It is still hard to believe he will be here in about 3 1/2 months!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

22 weeks PREGNANT and Whitney & John's Wedding!!!

Yesterday marks me at 5 1/2 months pregnant, I still can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Before you know it Patrick will be here! I still feel like I look like I'm gaining weight instead of looking pregnant! Yesterday my sister Melissa & I went to my classmate & friends Wedding in Sheboygan. It was such a beautiful day! The Wedding was perfect & the food was just as perfect! It was also a special day because I got to meet my best friend Andria's lil' girl Natalie for the first time( and I got to see my bff that I havent seen in over a yr)!!!!She was definitely a trooper since she hadnt gotten enough of a nap for the long day ahead of her. Now back to Mr. Patrick, he has definitely been moving around more & more! Sometimes I feel like he is doing flips in my tummy, I'm not exactly sure if he is but it sure feels like it! I still have major heartburn and I haven't been sleeping the best...b/t tossing & turning to get comfy and getting up every 2 hrs to go pee! Last night I had such a backache from riding in the car for about 6 hrs that my sweet hubby rubbed my back for me...mind you I had to ask for it but he still did a great job! So here are some pics of my growing belly & a few from Whitney & John's Wedding!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1st Ultrasound & 20 wk Check Up!!!!

On Tuesday Neal & I had our 20wk check up with Dr. Rudat. I couldnt wait for our appt to be here, since it was the 1st time we could say the baby & we were going to find out if it was a boy or girl! Neal was working til 12:45 so I was at home doing dishes, cleaning, getting everything ready for our party with all our family! I was so nervous about the appt....1st of all b/c I had to drink at least 32 oz of fluid 45m prior to our appt and I wasnt able to empty my bladder (which mind you it isnt easy for a pregnant lady who can barely hold a small amount for a hr!) and 2nd of all b/c I was worried he or she wouldnt show us the body parts to tell us if it is a Patrick or Emmalin. I got out of the shower about 10m to Noon, so I quickly peed and got ready & grabbed my jug of h2o and headed out to get lunch b4 picking up Neal. I had 30 min to finish 32oz of water, so as I drove I kept slamming the water. I quickly got our lunch & headed over to Best Buy. Neal got out at 12:45 & we ate our lunch as we headed to the clinic. Our Ultrasound was at 1:15, so we arrived to the check in about 10 minutes early...hoping to be able to get in early since this lady had to PEE!!! But as usual they are ALWAYS running late, about 10m after our schedule Ultrasound we got it. I got on the table and waited to see our little angel. Well this little one was very active, moving around when she was looking to see what he or she was. A bit after we got in there, the Ultrasound tech asked me to use the restroom since the baby didnt have to much room to move around since I was filled up with water. I came back & boy could he or she moved around much better! She had no problems telling us it was a boy since he was very much into flashing his private parts!!! He weighs about 11 ounces and is perfect...right down to his long toes! So after our 1 hr ultrasound, we headed up stairs for my 20 wk check up. The nurse weighed me & I'm weighing in at 134.8pds. I quickly used to restroom before the dr came in to check me out. Dr. Rudat told me that the baby looks perfect! He also told me that I've have gained 6 pds since my start of the pregnancy, which is perfect as well! He checked the babies heartbeat & it was at 146. My next appt they check for diabetes, so Nov. 29th I have to hold more fluid...yippee!!! So here is pics of Patrick James Hummel!!