Sunday, January 5, 2014

Baby Hummel #2

My last couple of months my period has been off the normal 28 days. I had been very stressed at that was I thought was happening in November. My period was expected around 11/9-11/14. So when the 14th came and gone I decided to wait til the 19th to take a pregnancy test if no period was in sight. So the morning of the 19th I took the test and walked away for the full 3 minutes to look at it. When I came back I saw this....

I started freaking out bc I wasn't ready for another baby & boy did I know NEAL definitely wasn't ready. So Neal woke up to use the bathroom, so I quickly told him & he was like no way..again. The reason for his response like that is bc the last time we got pregnant I was on birth control..this time the EXACT same thing. So I decides to call my reg dr and ask what I should do. So I called them & they said I should come to their office to take another urine sample. Mind you I didn't drive Neal to work that day so I packed up Patrick & pushed him all the way up to the Oregon Dean Clinic. I arrived & was able to get in right away. I went back to the waiting room & I got the results...positive. So we got home & I called my OBGYN office & schedule an appt on Dec. 6th. Since I've had a previous miscarriage Dr. Neidhart wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with this baby. The wk of my appt Patrick had came down with puenomia so Neal stayed home with him while I went to my appt. I got to the ultrasound waiting area & MAN did I have to go to the bathroom. 10 minutes later the lady came & got me. I laid down & she put on the gel, she pushed the Doppler around and said you need to empty your bladder, you too full. So I was soo thankful bc I really had to pee. I thought I saw a baby but it was hard to see bc I was soo full. Next round I was able to see the smallest peanut ever in my tummy. You could see the flicker from the heart beating. Baby Hummel heart was beating 146 beats per minute. Here is a pic of our peanut just shy of 8 wks...

My dr appt with Dr. Neidhart went well. I weighed in at 121 pds..2 pds heavier then my pre-pregnancy weight. Fast forward 4 wks to Jan. 2nd 2014, I went in for my 12 wk check up. I weighed in at 119. Dr. Neidhart asked if I had been sick a lot lately & I said only a few times this month. She said well you have lost 2 pds, since last check up...mind you I have no idea how I lost bc I'm eating like a pig! So I laid down so I could get the gel on to hear the babies heartbeat. At first I was freaking out bc I couldn't hear anything & I was just nervous bc of the previous miscarriage. Dr. Neidhart stopped & told me sometimes you can't hear with the Doppler before 12wks so she said I'm going to grab the portable ultrasound to check the baby. So she scanned my stomach & their was our precious baby with his or her heart beating at 150. Dr. Neidhart said the placenta was in the way so it was hard to hear the heartbeat. Very blessed to be able to see my little peanut in living black & white! My next check up is on Jan. 31st...I will be a day shy of 16wks. Hoping all stays well with baby #2!