Friday, December 30, 2011

28wk Check Up

Today Neal & I had our 28wk check up with Megan Fitzgerald since Dr. Rudat is on vacation. Well we got in right on time, my blood pressure was normal. I weighed in at 143.9 I have gained about 4 1/2 pds since my last visit. I think it is all baby but I know I have been enjoying lots of treats during the holidays & even if it isnt a holiday I enjoy sweets! Dr. Fitzgerald measured me & i'm measuring just right where I should be. She put the heartbeat monitor on me & we heard Patrick but he quickly squirmed so she had to re-adjust so we could hear him! He is as strong as ever. We were advise to get the Whooping Cough vaccine, so both Neal & I received it! We also were informed that our doctor had recently passed away about 3 1/2 wks ago. We are both in utter shock of his passing, as I type this I feel soo sad for his family & all of his other patients who were shocked to find it out. We were more shocked b/c we were there to schedule our next visit with him but we were moved to a different Obgyn named Linda Neidhart. We have our next appt with her on Jan. 11th @ 3:45. We also scheduled a Meet & Greet with a Pediatric Doctor named Katherine Moriarty @ 3:15. I know some children who go to her & Dr. Fitzgerald highly recommended her so I hope it goes well b/c it a lil' over 2 1/2 months Patrick will be here! So I have been feeling alot more movement from Patrick, I cant wait to feel a kick or nudge that is un-mistakable! So before we left we scheduled all our appts from now until my due date, I actually have one just 2 days after my appt. I'm hoping he will already be here but only time will tell!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

28wks PREGNANT!!!!

Patrick James entering the
3rd & Final Trimester!

Christmas Eve 2011 marks us at 28wks....12 more wks to go before Patrick joins our lil' family! It is really hard to believe that in 3 very short months are lil' boy will be born! I'm both nervous & excited! It feels like yesterday I was calling everyone in the family to tell them the most wonderful news! Well lately I have been feeling lots of movement...small kicks, flutters & lots of movement from Patrick. Neal really hasnt felt him move yet, but my dr says around the beginning of your 3rd trimester is when daddy's to be feel the baby for the 1st time. I didnt think my heartburn could get any worse then it was but unfortinately it has.....Patrick must have a full head of McDreamy hair like his father!!! I recently bought the biggest & the most tums I could fine. I got a pack of 160-1000 strength asst. fruit tums....hoping I wont need as many as the 750 strength! My back has been very achy within the last month or so....I cant seem to get comfortable on the couch or while I'm lying in bed sleeping. I really have notice more of a baby bump since my last blog. Everyone keeps telling me that I look great but unfortinately I dont feel like it...I just feel like a TEENAGER with tons of acne & I feel CHUBBY!!! But I'm glad to only be gaining weight in the I know it is all baby minus a few sweets! We have our 28wk check up on Friday Dec. 30th at 11:30 with my OB's nurse assistant...since Dr. Rudat is out of town for the Holidays! After this appt I will be going in every 2 wks up til my 36wk and then I will be visiting Dean clinic once a wk! We are on the final stretch whether we are ready or not...Patrick James Hummel is coming!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24 wks PREGNANT & 24 wk check up

Baby Hummel really starting to show himself off!!!
Patrick James Hummel....growing tremendously at 24 wks!!!!

Last saturday marked us at 24 wks along! Hard to believe we are on the home stretch! Since my last blog I have felt more awake along with frequent bathroom use!!! Within the last wk I got up at least 3-5 times to use the bathroom. It also doesnt help that I'm extremely thirsty prior to laying down in bed...this gal can't get enough milk :) I havent been sleeping the greatest within the last wk or so....I sleep for an hr or so on my left side & then have to flip over to my right side b/c back hurts alot. My heartburn has gotten worse since my last months check up. I have bought 2 new bottles of tums and at least 1 bottle is gone. I thought Neal had bad heartburn but I guess I was wrong!!!! For Thanksgiving Patrick enjoyed some Turkey Cookies thanks to Gr8 Gma Sies....we had at least a dozen! I can feel him move more & more...still havent felt that kick yet but I know he is moving around! Today I had my 24 wk Check Up with Dr. Rudat. I'm not to keen on my weight gain since last month but I guess I have to gain weight sometime! I'm now at 139.6pds. My test for Diabetes was negative...thank goodness b/c this gal likes sugar! The doctor measured my tummy and it is right at 24 so I'm right where I need to be! Patrick's heartbeat was at 140 beats per still very active! My next check up is on Dec 30th and this will be my last 4 wk between dr visits appt. Then from 30 wks to 36 wks I go in every 2 wks and then from 36 wks on I go in every wk! It is still hard to believe he will be here in about 3 1/2 months!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

22 weeks PREGNANT and Whitney & John's Wedding!!!

Yesterday marks me at 5 1/2 months pregnant, I still can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Before you know it Patrick will be here! I still feel like I look like I'm gaining weight instead of looking pregnant! Yesterday my sister Melissa & I went to my classmate & friends Wedding in Sheboygan. It was such a beautiful day! The Wedding was perfect & the food was just as perfect! It was also a special day because I got to meet my best friend Andria's lil' girl Natalie for the first time( and I got to see my bff that I havent seen in over a yr)!!!!She was definitely a trooper since she hadnt gotten enough of a nap for the long day ahead of her. Now back to Mr. Patrick, he has definitely been moving around more & more! Sometimes I feel like he is doing flips in my tummy, I'm not exactly sure if he is but it sure feels like it! I still have major heartburn and I haven't been sleeping the best...b/t tossing & turning to get comfy and getting up every 2 hrs to go pee! Last night I had such a backache from riding in the car for about 6 hrs that my sweet hubby rubbed my back for me...mind you I had to ask for it but he still did a great job! So here are some pics of my growing belly & a few from Whitney & John's Wedding!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1st Ultrasound & 20 wk Check Up!!!!

On Tuesday Neal & I had our 20wk check up with Dr. Rudat. I couldnt wait for our appt to be here, since it was the 1st time we could say the baby & we were going to find out if it was a boy or girl! Neal was working til 12:45 so I was at home doing dishes, cleaning, getting everything ready for our party with all our family! I was so nervous about the appt....1st of all b/c I had to drink at least 32 oz of fluid 45m prior to our appt and I wasnt able to empty my bladder (which mind you it isnt easy for a pregnant lady who can barely hold a small amount for a hr!) and 2nd of all b/c I was worried he or she wouldnt show us the body parts to tell us if it is a Patrick or Emmalin. I got out of the shower about 10m to Noon, so I quickly peed and got ready & grabbed my jug of h2o and headed out to get lunch b4 picking up Neal. I had 30 min to finish 32oz of water, so as I drove I kept slamming the water. I quickly got our lunch & headed over to Best Buy. Neal got out at 12:45 & we ate our lunch as we headed to the clinic. Our Ultrasound was at 1:15, so we arrived to the check in about 10 minutes early...hoping to be able to get in early since this lady had to PEE!!! But as usual they are ALWAYS running late, about 10m after our schedule Ultrasound we got it. I got on the table and waited to see our little angel. Well this little one was very active, moving around when she was looking to see what he or she was. A bit after we got in there, the Ultrasound tech asked me to use the restroom since the baby didnt have to much room to move around since I was filled up with water. I came back & boy could he or she moved around much better! She had no problems telling us it was a boy since he was very much into flashing his private parts!!! He weighs about 11 ounces and is perfect...right down to his long toes! So after our 1 hr ultrasound, we headed up stairs for my 20 wk check up. The nurse weighed me & I'm weighing in at 134.8pds. I quickly used to restroom before the dr came in to check me out. Dr. Rudat told me that the baby looks perfect! He also told me that I've have gained 6 pds since my start of the pregnancy, which is perfect as well! He checked the babies heartbeat & it was at 146. My next appt they check for diabetes, so Nov. 29th I have to hold more fluid...yippee!!! So here is pics of Patrick James Hummel!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

5 months PREGNANT!!!!

Today marks us at 20 wks along....still can't believe I'm halfway through this pregnancy!! In the last couple of wks I have had a hard time sleeping comfortably...I toss & turn all the time. I just started to use a pillow between my legs...since I have noticed after sleeping for an hr with my legs bent or straighten out that my legs ached. My heartburn has been out of control lately...tums have been my best friend! My stomach seems to be getting bigger!! The last couple of days I feel unsure whether I have felt the baby or not but last night I'm about 80% positive I felt him or her. Tomorrow marks Neal's 29th Birthday....I'm so excited to be able to give him a gift of knowing if he is having a son or we near closer to our 1st Ultrasound!!! November 1st we have our Ultrasound at 1:15 & a 2:15 Dr. appt and that day also marks the 8 yr anniversary of a dear friend passing in a way I know it will be a sad day but it will also be a happy day!!! I know he will be there looking over as we find out the sex of the baby! So I hope these next few days fly by so Tuesday can be here & I'm hoping the baby cooperates so we can know what sex the baby is!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

18 weeks PREGNANT

Today we are 18 wks along aka 4 1/2 months through this pregnancy. I cant believe in a 2 wks we will be 1/2 way through this pregnancy and it will be Neal's 29th bday. Then a few days after his bday we will find out if it is a boy or girl...if the baby cooperates! Once we find out I wanna to go register for the boy or girl items. Since I work with babies...I know exactly what kind of mobile I want, the perfect diaper cream....I just really feel ahead of those other 1st time moms. So the last wk I have been really wanting to feel the baby move or kick but I really don't know what to be looking for. Sometimes I feel like I can feel the babies heartbeat but I'm not sure if I'm really feeling that or not. I know people have told me that it is like having butterfly's flutter in your tummy or it feels like popcorn popping in your tummy. So needless to say I feel not very connected to my senses with this baby :( I have had the worst heartburn during the day & especially before going to bed....this boy or girl must have their dad's head of hair!!!! I still get headaches but I especially notice them when I'm in bed tossing & truly feels like I'm hungover! I still feel nauseated just before I eat....then I feel super full after a few bites of food. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me...they say your appetite gets better during the 2nd trimester! I have been freaking out lately due to all the zits on my face, I dont get it...everyone else in this world that is carrying a baby has this glow & I have ZITS!!!! NOT FAIR!!!! But I'm still very happy to be carrying this lil' blessing!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4 month Check Up

Today Neal & I had our 16wk check up with Dr. Rudat. I got my weight checked again and I'm weighing in at 130 pds. Dr. says im not gaining much yet but that is expected with only being in the beginning of my 2nd trimester. Cindy the nurse checked my blood pressure & it was perfect! Dr. Rudat came in and we listened to the heartbeat....WOW I still cant believe how amazing that sounds. I asked Neal prior to the appt if he would record it for me while we listened to it, so needless to say we have this amazing sound recorded for all our family to hear! Afterwards I asked my dr some questions & then he said goodbye until next time. The nurse came back in & I got my flu shot. Never in my 8 yrs working with kids did I decide to get one. So afterwards I told the nurse that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Quick & painful...for now! So now we wait...exactly 4 wks from today we will know if it is a Emmalin Jean or a Patrick James I'm carrying....if baby cooperates!!! Again I say this but I feel very blessed to be pregnant & to be having Neal's baby!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

4 months PREGNANT!!!!

October 1st marks us at 4 months along...hard to believe that I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy! Since my last posting I have had a huge craving for pickles...anywhere from eating them right out of the jar or having them on my burger or sandwich. I also have been craving subway for their ham subs and amazing pickles & Village Green for their delicious burgers & the BEST BY FAR...PICKLES!!!! During the last 4 wks I have been a little bit nausea when it comes to food & texture! I also have been having some crazy heartburn during the day & especially before bed. So needless to say my new best friend besides pickles is Tums! Recently I have been getting more headaches & over the last 2 days I have been congested! Im not sure if it is due to another pregnant lady's sickness or from my 8 runny nose kids at work :) I also have notice that I have been using the bathroom more. My tummy seems to be growing & getting a bit tighter! My clothes are a bit tighter these I have been moving into some maternity clothes. Well this wk Neal & I will be going into out 16wk check up with Dr. Rudat....I'm sooo desperate to hear our babies heartbeat!!! Also I can't wait to find out if we are having a Patrick James or a Emmalin Jean.....only 4 wks til we find out.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 month Check Up

Well yesterday Neal & I had our 3 month check up with Dr. Rudat! First of all I wasnt sure what we were going to be doing at our check up...all I knew is that I desperately wanted to hear the babies heartbeat. So our appt was at 1 most dr offices are, they are always running late! W finally got in around 1:10....they checked my weight which was 130.8pds. Then the nurse said Dr. Rudat would be in so pls take off everything from the waist down. Well she left & I all of a sudden had to use the I quickly left & did the deed. Well about 10min went by & Dr. Rudat finally came in. He asked how I was feeling & I told him great besides the part of being nervous to whether I would hear the heartbeat or not. So he put the SUPER COLD gel on my lower tummy & took his handy dandy heartbeat detector and started to look. When he first put it on there I didnt hear anything & then BAM I heard this amazing sound....OUR BABIES HEARTBEAT!!!! At first I was in shock that the noise was coming from my tummy but second I was just smiling from ear to ear! Dr. Rudat told me that an average baby heartbeats between 120 to 160.....158 heartbeats per minute for Baby Hummel! This lil' guy or girl is very active :) Afterwards I asked Dr. Rudat when would be able to see the baby & he said in about 8 wks. That seems so long to me but I guess good things come to the those who wait so I guess I will keep waiting. So our next appt is set for Oct 4th @ 930. Not sure when he will do but I'm guessing we will hear the babies heartbeat I'm excited for that!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

3 months PREGNANT!!!!

Well we finally made it to 12 wks!!!! We feel very blessed to be pregnant, since we know it is 1 in a billion chance to conceive. So I have notice that my breast don't hurt as much as they did in the beginning, but they still do hurt. I have been sleeping more & more...taking lots of naps after work. Well who am I kidding I just go to bed on the couch at 630 or 7 every night & then get up several times to use the bathroom and then I go to bed with Neal and then get up at least 1 or 2 times before actually getting up for work. On the weekends I seem to need a nap around 12ish or so....and they last anywhere from 30 min to 2hrs. Making a baby is a lot of least that is what I've heard! I still use the bathroom several times each day. My back is starting to ache more, my head gets alot of headaches....but I try to use the minimal of drugs as possibly. I feel the need to spit more since I got pregnant since all the excess saliva. I still get queasy thinking about certain foods, but I don't get it as often. My clothes feel a lil' bit tighter but I prefer to where maternity clothes because of the excess room! As we mark the 12th wk of our pregnancy.....we edge closer to my next Dr. appointment. Sept 6th we have our next check up at 1 in the afternoon! So we are...well mostly me are anticipating hearing the heartbeat so we know baby is doing well!!! And with any luck we will be able to see him or her :) 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 weeks PREGNANT

Well today marks me 10 weeks along. I have definitely notices some changes in my stomach....I feels harder and it seems to be growing since my last pic about 2 wks ago. Well I finally had to move up in bra sizes....I had noticing my bra was a bit tight so I decided I would go to Motherhood Maternity to pick up a new bra that I could grow with in the next couple wks or so. So I have went from a 34D to a 36E...yikes!!! I have 6 1/2 months to go, so I'm guessing I will need to get a new bra 2 more times before the baby comes. I still feel morning sickness...mostly in the mornings when I wake up, I have to pee alot, as you probably can guess I have been noticing breast changes!!, I'm exhausted all the time, my face looks like I'm in junior high....zits everywhere!!! Where is the glow most pregnant people get....b/c I feel not so pretty anymore!!! I am very much anticipating our next Dr. Appt.....only 2 1/2 more wks and then I will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat & possibly be able to see him or her!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

2 months....7 months to go!!!!

Today we our 2 months pregnant...I'm feeling very pregnant. Not in meaning that I'm big and all.....just that I'm feeling more and more pregnancy symptoms! Late yesterday at work I was noticing that my head was hurting alot, but when I got home it was a horrible headache. We only have one car and needless to say Neal was at work, so I was stuck at home trying to close my eyes, drink some cold water and apply a cold compress on my head to get rid of this headache. Finally at 6 Neal is on his way home and on his way to rescue me with some Tylenol pain meds. He got home and I took 1 extra strength pill and off I went to sleep. After 12 hrs of sleeping I finally feel a little bit better!!! So my other symptoms are still there....tender breasts, queasy tummy, backaches, extra saliva, sleepy all the time, craving & refusing to eat certain foods that make my tummy sick just thinking about them and most of all urinating all the time. Well here is my 2 months photo...cant really tell but I think I'm noticing some changes!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1st OBGYN Appointment

So today was my first visit with my new OBGYN...Karl Rudat. Neal & I arrived at the office about 10 minutes early, so we checked in and waited for my name to be called. About 15 min had passed and finally the nurse Tracy called my name. First we check my weight & height. At almost 8wks I weight 128 pds and am 4ft 11 1/2 inches tall. Next we headed to my room to check my blood pressure & for her to ask a few questions to refresh her memory of my info. I had to stop & ask her if I was going to have to give a urine sample due to the fact that I had to go....NOW!!! She gave me the cup and off I went. Afterwards I came back and she told me that the dr would be in shortly. About 5 minutes had passed & then finally I heard the sound I had been waiting for since we arrived....the knock at the door! Dr. Rudat came in and he asked how I was feeling & I said that the morning sickness was throwing up so I was happy! My symptoms have been very normal.....tender breast, frequent urinating, backaches, tired all the time, lots of excess saliva, moodiness (well who am I kidding...that is very normal!!) and some food cravings! The next question he asked was if I had a normal medical life so far and I said yes & no....I have Crohn's. He told me that he has been a dr to a few women who had it as well. His recent patient is almost full term & has only had 1 flare needless to say I could have 1, none or lots! Lets hope my Crohn's is very laid back for the next 7 months or so!!! Next he gave me a gown & told me to take off everything and he would be back in a few minutes. Dr.. Rudat came back in the room and checked out my breasts and said they feel very normal for a girl who is EXPECTING!! Next was the internal exam...which was a little bit uncomfortable, which I can only imagine & have heard it gets much worse! He said everything felt normal down yonder! So he said that he would see me in about 4 wks, so our next appt is Sept. 6th in the morning, so we will be a 3 months along!! I'm so excited for our next appt...which I hope to hear the baby's heartbeat & possibly be able to see him or her :) Well before we left I had to get my blood work done! So lets hope the test our all normal! I feel so blessed to be pregnant & I feel very fortunate to be giving Neal a son or daughter! Either way we will be happy with what god gives us!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

6 weeks Pregnant

We are now 6 weeks along, with our first child! I have been really nervous about losing the I feel like I need to take a test every wk just to make sure he or she is still in there :) Neal says I'm crazy but I really don't want to lose this baby! Well here is what I've been feeling lately....I've been very sleepy lately but I cant get comfortable b/c I'm a tummy sleeper and with my breast changes I cant seem to sleep comfortably. I also have been going to the bathroom at least 2 times every hour and a pretty much I'm peeing all the time! I haven't had any morning sickness but I do feel a little queasy every once in a while. My saliva has been out of control...I feel like I have to spit up something constantly. My # 1 symptom I've been feeling & noticing is the changes in my breast....they are much fuller, extremely tender & they look different!!! As Neal has said I'm very moody...but that isn't too much different then before :) Well my clothes feel a little bit tighter but I was a little bit chunky before we got here is a pic to let you decide.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Confirming the Pregnancy

Since I had taking to home pregnancy test and both came back positive, We thought it was probably best to call the dr. Originally we had a dr appt with Dr. Stiles on July 27th to talk about what I should be eating, how to increase the chances to get pregnant & most of all the get a prescription for Prenatal Vitamins. Also Dr. Stiles doesnt do OBGYN so since I was 99% positive that I was pregnant, I knew that I would have to get a new dr. So I called the Belleville Clinic and told them that I had taken 2 home test & both were positive. So first we cancelled my appt with Dr. Stiles & started looking for the first available appt to get my pee checked out. Well the first one was today at 4, so I took it. Well we arrived and got all checked in and then off I went to the bathroom to give my pee sample. I came back in th waiting room and waited about 20 min & then Joan came in & said to come back. We got to her office and she said the results were positive. She asked me when my last period was & I said June 11th and then she asked if I had already knew the due date and I said yes...March 17th, 2012. She looked at her handy dandy chart and said nope March 19th....Oh well 2 more days I CAN HANDLE THAT!!! So she proceeded to give me a book on what to expect when your expecting and a few brochures for both St. Mary's & Meriter Hospital. Since Neal was sure where his insurance would have us go Joan suggested that he found out. So I schedule my first ultrasound on Aug 22nd with Dr. Bay. So off we left, but as I was driving us home Neal was calling his insurance to find out what hospital they wanted us to go. So after getting cut off due to being in the boonies, Neal got a hold of a guy and he first said Stoughton Hospital....well with my city boy hubby that was not an option. So he asked if either St. Mary's or Meriter were ok....well only St. Mary's was. So now I dont have to decide b/c the decision was made already!! Also come to find out that this Dr. Bay is not available under our insurance , so we looked online and found one. But it was after hrs so I have to wait til tuesday to make an appt. Lets just hope this lil guy or lil girl decides to make it to our 2nd trimester!! Now all I have to do is keep this a secret from all of our families.....yikes!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

We're Expecting!!!

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time blogging so I maybe a lil slow at it. I got this new application for my phone called "My Days" pretty much lets me record when my last period was, when we had sex, and it even lets me put in my own lil notes. It also tells you when you are high in fertility, when you ovulate & when to expect your period. Well I was schedule to be to due for my period on Friday July 15th...well that day came & gone without even a clue if it was coming or not. Since my last couple of months were off I thought that is what is going on. Well when Saturday came & gone I just thought well if I dont have it tonight im gonna take a pregnancy test. Well Sunday morning I woke up & got the test already. So I pee'd on it for 5 sec put the cap on and let the test work....I finally took a deep breath & looked and it said the most amazing news "PREGNANT"!!!! So I woke up Neal & asked him if he loved me and he said yes I do!! So I proceeded to shove the test in his face & he perked up and was like wait this cant be right. So I told him I would take it Monday Monday came & I took it and it was positive. So off I go to tell him & he was nervous but excited at the same time! So today on my break I will be calling the dr to let them know!!