Friday, December 30, 2011

28wk Check Up

Today Neal & I had our 28wk check up with Megan Fitzgerald since Dr. Rudat is on vacation. Well we got in right on time, my blood pressure was normal. I weighed in at 143.9 I have gained about 4 1/2 pds since my last visit. I think it is all baby but I know I have been enjoying lots of treats during the holidays & even if it isnt a holiday I enjoy sweets! Dr. Fitzgerald measured me & i'm measuring just right where I should be. She put the heartbeat monitor on me & we heard Patrick but he quickly squirmed so she had to re-adjust so we could hear him! He is as strong as ever. We were advise to get the Whooping Cough vaccine, so both Neal & I received it! We also were informed that our doctor had recently passed away about 3 1/2 wks ago. We are both in utter shock of his passing, as I type this I feel soo sad for his family & all of his other patients who were shocked to find it out. We were more shocked b/c we were there to schedule our next visit with him but we were moved to a different Obgyn named Linda Neidhart. We have our next appt with her on Jan. 11th @ 3:45. We also scheduled a Meet & Greet with a Pediatric Doctor named Katherine Moriarty @ 3:15. I know some children who go to her & Dr. Fitzgerald highly recommended her so I hope it goes well b/c it a lil' over 2 1/2 months Patrick will be here! So I have been feeling alot more movement from Patrick, I cant wait to feel a kick or nudge that is un-mistakable! So before we left we scheduled all our appts from now until my due date, I actually have one just 2 days after my appt. I'm hoping he will already be here but only time will tell!

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